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About company

Air Cargo Green Capabilities Sarl Luxembourg — Global Freight Forwarding Logistics company for air cargo transportation and services.

The agency has been based in Luxembourg since May 2023.

The company has 3 representative co-partners offices worldwide (in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Hong Kong) as well as strategic partners all over Europe (in Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Liege, Milano, Paris and Budapest).

We are composed of 25 experts worldwide with a combined knowledge and experience of over 175 years in the air freight industry.

As an IATA-accredited logistics provider, ACGC adheres to the highest international standards in air cargo transportation. You can view our IATA Accreditation Certificate for validation.

The company provides individual products for air freight sales, special arrangements, and consulting services for cargo transportation between China and Europe, USA and Europe, and the Middle East and Europe, as well as other destinations for both regular and charter flights


  • We believe in air freight industry where everyone has the unique opportunity to develop new green capabilities in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual support.
  • We solve the most difficult air freight issues and challenges from 1 kg transportation to 100t charter flight and GSA global sales worldwide.
  • We create green conditions for the development and support of our partners, feel their headaches and generate the solutions to improve their business models and profitability.

Main focus — to optimise our Customers logistics by speed, costs, reliability and quality. We improve people’s,  trade and logistics connections. The Group connects people and markets and is an enabler of global trade.

Key management

Michael Sempf

sales director

  • 30+ years in aviation industry (charters)
  • Management of the sales
  • Customer orientation
  • Ethics and integrity
  • Supply chain development
  • Optimization of logistics processes
  • Risk management
  • Compliance with standards and norms
  • Quality control

Alexey Zotov

managing director

  • 16+ years in the aviation industry (commercial leader)
  • Ideas generator
  • Company strategy
  • Structuring and optimization of business processes
  • Pragmatic profitability driven approach
  • Top-marketing
  • Global unique sales
  • Author of the book «Air Freight Logistics: A Simple Guide»

Leave your number — an expert will discuss your task with you and select the best one delivery option according to your budget

Why choose us

Experience. Knowledge. Possibilities

In international cargo transportation 20 years. Expert knowledge air transportation. Air freight without intermediaries. We personally accompany especially valuable cargo


We advise, not just sell services. Choosing the best route from available. Customer Support 24/7/365


We guarantee meeting deadlines delivery

Pay for results

First we do. Then you pay

Transparent accounting

Pricing without hidden surcharges.or unaccounted expenses

Customs clearance Full construction

We will prepare the entire set of documents for customs clearance. Services customs lawyer.



27, Boulevard Prince Henri, L-1724, Luxembourg


+352 691 747 755
