Main / News / ACGC participated in LogiMAT placed in Stuttgart on 19-21st of March


ACGC participated in LogiMAT placed in Stuttgart on 19-21st of March

Managing Director of ACGC Sarl, Alexey Zotov:
«Just wow! It was another great experience and opportunity for our company to be part of new logistics systems and digitalisation processes in industry with a brilliant networking atmosphere for productive meetings and creatureveness «future» right now and here.

Tools such as virtual reality, 3D printing and sensors are offering new perspectives. Data exchange in real time is providing an opportunity to react flexibly to changes and make adjustments in good time – both in air freight production and in the handling.

In the airfreight industry systems are growing together into new, smart systems. That interconnectivity opens the way to faster, more energy-efficient and secure processes. In the ideal situation man and machine collaborate seamlessly and intuitively. The ever-changing air freight market requires flexible and innovative logistics.

We had more than 30 great meetings for such a short period of time and now there is a lot of homework to follow up.

Special thanks to LogiMAT organizators and all participants for making it happen.»